Logo Enviropa

Reducing emissions

ROPA will comprehensively address your commitment to reduce industrial emissions from stationary and mobile pollution sources. Let our exceptional know-how save you time and provide assistance as you responsibly prepare for compliance with strict emission limits. You will receive comprehensive services that range from the engineering of a technical solution and successful implementation to the regular supply of reagents. Environmental protection is a pillar that our business values very much. If you are interested in independent consulting services, this is something ROPA can offer you, too.

  • Chemical reagents
  • Cleaning of Industrial Flue Gases
  • Logistics
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Supply of reagents

ROPA’s customers are always assured a reliable supply of reagents that meet their specific technological requirements. Availability of these required products is guaranteed by our long-standing cooperation with several major manufacturers in Europe, which have them ready to be received by ROPA at almost any time. 

 Our range of customers has considerably expanded over the years and ROPA now works with plants that incinerate waste and generate power and heat. In addition to them, the automotive industry, cement plants, steel mills and other industrial firms are benefiting from ROPA's services. Having our own logistics let us respond right away to unexpected changes in product supply requirements anywhere in Slovakia and also elsewhere in Europe. You can count on us as a reliable partner even in hardly predictable times. 

 ROPA has wide experience in startups that are introducing new technologies. As a proven partner among technology producers, we supply products with additives over and above what was originally mixed into the product.  

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Cleaning of Industrial Waste

Let’s contribute toward a better future. Let’s reduce the concentration of emissions in waste gases in an environmentally friendly and safe way. 

ROPA is ready and able to help you design solutions, deliver effective technologies that reduce NOx and SO2 emissions, and to optimize the installation and servicing of your existing technology. Our team of experienced engineers will provide legislative advice and prepare studies. They are also highly competent in supervising projects and getting them implemented. 

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Having our own transport capacities allows us to provide reliable logistics that fit with the technical and time requirements of our customers. Walking floor vehicles with a capacity of 90 m³ can meet all demands. ROPA’s drivers have many years of experience handling waste stored in big bags, stacked on pallets or kept loose. They are able to provide valuable advice that saves customers time when loading and unloading materials.

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